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Career Pathways

Career Pathways are available to all students through a Career & Technical Education Departments and are designed to lead to rewarding careers.  

The program of studies for each career pathways is a coherent,  sequence of rigorous academic and career/technical courses including dual credit opportunities, leading to postsecondary degrees and industry recognized certifications and/or licensures.

Our goal for students to become completer in a pathway; completing at least four credits in a single pathway.   A completer is to pass the Industry Certifications for that Pathway, so they will exit high school being Career Ready. 

A large majority of your students will be concentrators in a pathway; in a pathway and passing the EOP and/or Industry Certification Exam.  

Note:  In order to co-op, a student must be taking or have taken three credits in a pathway.  

For more information about career pathway go to the Kentucky Department of Education CTE website.  
