Madison Southern allows each students to select their courses based on state and county graduation requirements, personal interest, career pathways, and academic abilities.
To assist the students, the school provides scheduling sheets --listing required class selections and space to denote electives. They are also given an Academic Plan Sheet to help them track credits and plan for future course selection.
- 24-25 Schedule Change Form
Reminder: Student have 3 days to change schedule unless is it an AP course. AP courses can be changed up to mid-term of 1st semester.
- Academic Plan and Graduation Requirement Sheet
This is a great document that helps a student map out 4 year academic plan. - Upperclassman Scheduling Sheet
- Incoming Freshman Scheduling Sheet
- Career Pathway
Students are encourage to complete a Career Pathway - Course Descriptions
- MSHS Course Listings
- Ignite South Course Listings
- Quick Reference Sheet: NCAA-NIAA Reference Sheet