Paying for a college education or technical training can be scary, nerve-racking, and stressful. With careful planning and help for grants, loans, and scholarship, it does not have to be. The money does not however automatically come to you, you must be diligent in seeking financial aid resources. Apply for as many scholarships as you can, talk to a college financial aid advisor, and apply for Federal Student Aid by completing the FASFA. What are you waiting for? Get started today.
Scholarship Tips:
Complete a Resume (beginning with your Freshman Year of high school). List any and all community service activities, extra curricular activities, and awards. The information listed will help with applications and scholarships
Start drafting essays early to save your self time. Most of the scholarship essays have the same components. Have several people edit them before the deadline dates.
If a student needs a letter of recommendation from a teacher or community member, complete the following sheet to give to the person. (Information for Letter). Be courteous and allow two weeks for the person to write the letter.