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Student Handbook

The vision of Madison Southern High School is to be the most effective place for students to acquire the skills needed for success.

At Madison Southern High School, we have a set of academic and behavioral expectations that we are confident will promote student success in the classroom and other settings. We want all of our students to S.O.A.R. Our staff expects you to Show integrity, to Own your learning, to Accept responsibility, and to Respect yourself and others. In doing so, you will be doing your part to keep our Madison Southern community safe, connected, inclusive, and thriving.

Madison Southern Faculty strive to ask as TEAM to promote academic success.  

  • TEACH (skills for present and future success)
  • EMPOWER (students to be life-long learners)
  • AFFIRM (students as valuable individuals who can contribute to their community)
  • MOTIVATE (students to set and reach high goals for themselves)

We also encourage students to 

  • Have high expectations for yourself.
  • Always try to do your best in your work and in your behavior.
  • Attend school regularly.
  • Ask for help when you feel that you do not understand.
  • Report to an adult, any problems that you may have at school or at home.
  • Have respect for yourself, for those around you, and for your school.
  • Resolve conflicts in a positive way.
  • Obey ALL rules.
  • Report any activities that might endanger others or yourself.
  • Be proud of your school.


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