The Madison Southern SBDM Council agrees that students must complete 10 hours (actual clocked hours) of approved service learning activities prior to graduating from Madison Southern High School.
Purpose of Service: The purpose of this policy is to increase awareness of responsibility to community through active participation by sharing talents and time; subsequently, instilling in a student a sense of belonging, self-worth and self-gratification.
Approval of Activities: Any registered non-profit agency or organization may request approval of activities from Madison Southern High School by completing a form that is presented to the Principal/and or designee for approval. The school will maintain a list of approved activities from which a student may choose activities. Activities that are not approved in conjunction with this policy will not satisfy the requirement of graduation.
Note: Hours must be obtained outside of the regular school day. For community organization and/or church events, the hours must also be obtained outside the regular meeting times. Events held during school hours must be pre-approved by the principal.
Note: Sports teams and/or clubs members can not count fund raising activities for their own organizations unless prior approval has been granted.
Documentation of Hours: Students must complete a form documenting hours and signed by the supervising activity sponsor. The verification form should be turned in within a month of the completion of the activity. It is recommended that a senior complete his or her hours prior to May 1st of the graduating year.
The student shall keep a copy of the documentation for their personal records and submit one copy to the guidance office and/or the Youth Service Center director.